Lampang Rock Climbing Adventure

Begin your outdoor rock climbing adventures in Lampang with this full-day course.


Are you new to rock climbing, but you want to explore Lampang’s impressive climbing routes? Join this one-day climbing course suitable for all levels.

The morning portion of the course will be spent introducing you to the basics of top-rope climbing. Top-rope climbing (or top-roping) is the easiest, simplest, and safest way to climb. During this course, we won’t just take you climbing: we will introduce you to the mechanics of the top-rope system, teach you how to belay, and help you develop the fundamentals you need to be a responsible and knowledgeable climber. You’ll get lots of time climbing, and our instructors will coach you on technique and help you have a successful and fun day on the rock!

In the afternoon, you will get a chance to learn the basics of rappelling (abseiling). Applying your new skills of top-roping and belaying, you will help build a rappel and then step out over the edge and lower yourself to the ground. Finish the day with an exhilarating rappel from the mouth of a massive cave. Rappelling is a distinct activity from climbing, and this course will ensure that you are introduced to rappelling in a safe way so that you can learn best practices and good habits that will keep you safe on future rappels. Plus, rappelling is a lot of fun, and there is no better place to rappel than in beautiful northern Thailand!


3,995 THB per person

    What does this course include?

    AMGA-Trained Guide, Climbing Equipment, Insurance for Climbing, Lunch Box, and Drinking Water

    Note this price does not include transportation.

    What should I bring?

    Athletic Clothing, Closed-Toed Shoes / Socks, Refillable Water Bottle, Sunscreen, Bug Spray, and Snacks

    What is the projected itinerary?

    08:00 - 08:30: Meet at Progression Camping Area in Lampang

    08.30 - 09.00: Transport to climbing site

    09.45 - 12.30: Morning Climbing Session

    12.30 - 13.30: Lunch

    13.30 - 16.30: Afternoon Rappelling Session