Rock Climbing

Explore the limestone playgrounds in Chiang Mai and Lampang while improving your technical skills with our rock climbing courses and adventure experiences.

Our climbing courses and adventure experiences cater to all skill levels and interests. Whether you are just visiting and want to try rock climbing or you are an experienced climber looking to take your outdoor skills to the next level, we have an experience for you!

Our internationally trained guides ensure that you receive the most accurate and current information on climbing techniques and safety measures. Our courses allow you to have an unforgettable climbing day while remaining safe.

Climbing Adventures, Beginner

Let’s Go Climbing

Join us for our monthly-scheduled day of social climbing at Crazy Horse Buttress!

Climbing Courses, Beginner

Outdoor Top Rope Essentials

Take your first steps climbing outdoors while learning belaying, setting up anchors, and cleaning climbs.

Climbing Adventures, Lampang, Climbing

Lampang Rock Climbing Adventure

Begin your outdoor rock climbing adventures in Lampang with this full-day course.

Climbing Courses, Intermediate, Advanced

Rock Rescue

Take this three-day course to equip yourself to deal with the unexpected when climbing a multi-pitch route. 

Outdoor Adventures, Climbing Adventures, Climbing

Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventure

Climb and rappel in Chiang Mai with this exhilarating adventure program.

Climbing Courses, Beginner

Intro to Rock Climbing

Learn the basics of rock climbing while enjoying Northern Thailand’s premier crag.

Climbing Courses, Intermediate

Learn to Lead Outdoor

Become a confident and safe lead-climber with our AMGA-trained climbing guides.

Private Guiding, Intermediate, Advanced

Multi-Pitch Private Guiding

Experience the unique multi-pitch climbs in Northern Thailand with our experienced AMGA-trained guides.

Climbing Courses, Intermediate, Advanced

Intro to Multi-Pitch Climbing

Take your climbing to new heights with this intro to multi pitch climbing course!

Private Guiding, Beginner, Intermediate

Single-Pitch Private Guiding

Customize your day of climbing at Crazy Horse with our Single-Pitch Private Guiding course