CMRCA Celebrates Earth Day


The CMRCA community celebrated Earth Day by gathering for a special showing of One Day On Earth – a documentary film that features footage from all over the world shot in one single day (10.10.10). The film was a poignant illustration of the diversity, tragedy and triumph of the human experience.


One of CMRCA’s Core Values is to Practice Sustainability.  We are committed to operating a company that seeks to limit our impact on the environment and to educate others about how they can lead greener lifestyles.  CMRCA is excited to announce and highlight some of our green projects and initiatives:


  • REFILL Mobile Application – Before the movie, Josh presented screenshots from a mobile application we’ve been working on over the past 6 months.  The application will allow iPhone and Android users to locate the water refill stations around Chiang Mai.  We encourage all locals and travelers to use reusable bottles and one liter = 1 baht!  You save money AND ensure another bottle doesn’t end up in the landfill.  This app is still in development so stay tuned!
  • CMRCA Renovations 
      • LED Lighting in the seating area
      • Installed a waterless urinal in the bathroom which will save between 20,000 – 45,000 gallons of water in one year!
  • Offsetting – During registration, CMRCA gathered information about the mode of transportation and distance traveled to the event for each individual.  In an effort to make the event carbon neutral (or as much as possible), CMRCA will offset the emissions used by investing in sustainable energy resources (solar, wind and hydropower).
  • Red Trucks – We transport all group programs and climbers to Crazy Horse with local songtaos. The trucks hold 10 people which decreases the amount of emissions that would have been produced if the climbers transported themselves to the crag.
  • Reusable containers – All local lunches in Mae On are provided to customers in reusable lunch containers.
  • Gear – Stop by the shop and check out our Innate water bottles, reusable containers, MSR Dromedary Bags and reusable shopping bags! All eco-friendly items are 30% off until 30 April 2012.

Thanks to everyone that came out for the Movie Night!  We hope to see everyone at our upcoming community events.


Climb ON!


Posted by: Katie Proudman