CMRCA’s 2015 New Year’s Resolution

As New Year approaches, it is not only important to look back and reflect on all the changes and our mistakes and successes from this year, but it is also equally as essential to look ahead and start setting some goals for next year. Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures is a firm believer in steady and constant progression, and that is why we think that it’s important to set yearly goals for ourselves to strive toward. We ask some of our CMRCA family members’ about their New Year’s Resolution for 2015 and below are their answers.
Waew, Office Manager
เป้าหมายในปี 2015 พูดและเขียนภาษาอังกฤษได้ดีขึ้น เพื่อการประสานงานในการทำงานดีขึ้น
My goal in 2015 is to improve my writing and speaking in English, so that I will be able to collaborate more efficiently with my colleagues.

Gee, Guide

My goals are to drink less, get more rest, call my mother more often and go in for work earlier.

Ethan, Senior Coordinator for Reservations and IT
My goals are to learn to trad climb, eat at 5 new restaurants a week and get rid of the warts on my feet (hehe)


Tune, Program Coordinator
ขอเพิ่มน้ำหนัก 2 กิโลกรัมภายในปี 2015 และ อ่านหนังสือเดือนละ 2 เล่ม
I’d like to gain 2 kilograms in 2015 and read 2 books per month.

Pui, Guide
เป้าหมายผม จะเลิกบุหรี่ จะเลิกหลายใจ
My goal is to quite smoking and stop being a player

Mario, Equipment and Crag Development Manager
Use my bicycle more often to go to work
Run a full marathon and join an Adventure Race
Improve my Thai language skills and
Be able to climb at least 5.12 on Trad for my next Li Ming trip

Phi, Guide and Head Facilitator
Here is My New Year’s Resolution for 2015 is to run more, get more rest and being able to climb 5.10c comfortably.

Ooan, Head Climbing Guide
I want to speak French more.
I want to climb 5.13
I want to contribute to bolting new routes.
I want to make another trip back to Li Ming.
I would like to go climbing in France with Olivia.

Katie, Program Director
My new year’s resolution is to run a 10K (without stopping!) and to read more often

Por, Sales Manager
My new year resolution is to develop my sales team to be bigger and contribute our products to get into Thailand market.

Add, Guide
1. Take the Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician course in Lander, WY on 17 Aug- 11 Sep

2. To climb some classic alpine routes on Longs peak’s the Diamond, in Eldorado Canyon, lumpy ridge, and Indian creek.

4. Study some new mountain guiding skills at Colorado Mountain School.

3. Promote wilderness medicine course in Thailand.

4. Go back to climb some crack climbing in China in October or November.

Josh, CMRCA Founder
Spend at least one full day each week with my daughter.
Take my daughter swimming at least once a week
Cook dinner for my wife and daughter once a week
Climb a desert tower
Climb Irene’s Arete and Open Book in the Grand Tetons
Redpoint 49 in Maple Canyon
Run a half marathon
Bolt at least 5 new routes
Get my weight down to 70kg and keep it there for at least 70% of the year.
Visit at least 3 places in Thailand I have never been
Create a new climbing area in a new Thailand location :-).
Do 6,000 pushups, 10,000 situps and 3,000 pullups
Take my dad backpacking in Escalante, southern Utah
Climb a big multi-pitch route with my brother