The Community Crank is Back!

Northern Thailand’s Rockstars

Hi, I’m DJ, I am pretty new at CMRCA, so I am going to give this blog my best shot. Quick background on me. I have worked here for about 6 months now. Coming in I did not have much experience in the climbing world, so I am very grateful that CMRCA would give me the opportunity to work with them. I have learned so much about the work that goes into climbing-related activities or events. More than I could have ever imagined. I personally got a taste of this when I assisted in organizing this year’s Community Crank.

Gun and Johnny straight crushing it

Organizing an event is hard, I’ll be honest. There are so many moving parts. For example, with route setting there needs to be a plan to strip the walls, clean the holds (which takes way longer than I expected), wipe the walls, and organize the mats. Then we have to plan how many routes we are setting, their grades, the point system. Just so much. I will be honest it definitely felt overwhelming and stressful a lot of the time, but on the day of the event, I was shown why that effort was well worth it. With the pictures I am posting here, I will let you guess why.

Hin with the first prize water bottle!

If you haven’t guessed yet, it is the people. Seeing their smiles, laughter, and enjoyment made that hard work and fight to the finish worthwhile. Seeing all of that made me really happy to be able to contribute and be a part of this amazing climbing community that we have up here in Chiang Mai.

Thank you, you guys are truly awesome.

With 2023 right around the corner. Stay tuned for more events and fun next year. Climb on Chiang Mai! 🧗

↓ Make sure to check out some pictures from the event below! ↓