Crazy Horse Rescue Training

rescue_training_48CMRCA instructors spent the day Saturday practicing wilderness first aid and rescue procedures at Crazy Horse Buttress.  We started the day by reviewing scene and patient assessments and communication between instructors in the event of an emergency.  After lunch, we staged a real-life scenario in which instructors were faciliatating student programs at three different areas of the crag: caving in Deep Hole Cave, climbing at Monkey Cove and leading students across the Tyrollean Traverse.  “Nong Josh” pretended to take a fall as he rappelled from the pillar and the instructors jumped into action to provide immediate care and activate an appropriate evacuation plan.  The instructor team organized a successful evac by stabilizing a potential spinal injury and carrying the patient out on a backboard.


CMRCA hosts thousands of climbers and cavers every year and we are committed to making the crag as accessible and safe as possible.  The staff have Wilderness EMT (WEMT), Wilderness First Responder (WFR), Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA), and Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certifications from NOLS Medical Wilderness Institute and Wilderness Medical Associates.