CWA in Qatar



CMRCA started offering Climbing Wall Association(CWA) Climbing Wall Instructor(CWI) courses last October.  The CWI course is an internationally recognized indoor climbing wall certification that focuses on the most recognized standards of climbing wall staff to date.  Since October we have brought courses to Bangkok and Chiang Mai climbing gyms, international schools around Thailand, and most recently Qatar in the middle east.


Our experience in Qatar was a special one!  You might think to yourself…  Climbing in Qatar?  How is that possible? In fact there is climbing in Qatar and quite a large community of climbers.  They call themselves the Doha Climbers and have actually developed a few outdoor areas with some of the most unique climbing we have ever experienced.  Unlike petroleum, outdoor climbing is a limited resource in Qatar so climbers have started to look to climbing walls to settle their appetite for climbing.  There is a pretty big hurdle though…  There is only 1 climbing wall in the city and as of now it is not accessible to the public on a regular basis.  Doha Climbers is working hard to gain public access to the wall and are doing everything they can to improve their chances including reaching out to CMRCA for CWI certifications.


We here at CMRCA are happy to announce that 12 people passed the Climbing Wall Instructor course during our visit to Qatar and now Doha Climbers is one step closer to their dream of public access to the climbing wall in Qatar.  They also have a dream of opening another climbing wall of their own.  Good Luck Doha Climbers and thanks for letting us be a part of your dream!


If you are interested in becoming certified as a Climbing Wall Instructor visit our CWI webpage HERE!