Filipino Guides Complete 5 Week Training Course

20100901_philippine_guide_training_006Congratulations to Dong Dee, Paul, Mark, and Song for completing an intensive 5 week guide training course with CMRCA!  After a final week of evaluations on everything from self-rescue to teaching a beginner how to tie a Figure 8 Follow Through, the boys celebrated with a day of climbing at Crazy Horse.  They are now on their way back to Gota Island in the Philippines, where they will begin work as toprope climbing guides.

For a taste of what these guys have accomplished, check out these pictures from yesterday.  Onsighting 6c after only climbing for 5 weeks… not bad, Paul!  Stay tuned for an upcoming video of the guide training course.  In the meantime, you can start planning a trip to Camsur Province.

Thanks for all your efforts, boys!  Choke dii and Climb ON.