Guides Prepare for AMGA Instructor Course


CMRCA Core Value Number Seven: ????????, gaan pát-tá-naa, training and development.  Over the next two weeks the CMRCA instructor team will be extending our commitment to this value by taking part in the American Mountain Guides Association Single Pitch Instructor course.  The three-day course covers all aspects of what it takes to be a superb single pitch rock climbing instructor, from environmental awareness and teaching skills to technical knowledge and group management.

As the course is based on traditional climbing, the CMRCA instructor team has been hard at work skipping the bolts in favor of natural protection at Crazy Horse.  The whole staff has also been engaged in translating the 60-page AMGA SPI Program Manual into Thai.  Experiencing our home crag in a different way and writing international climbing standards in a new language are all part of CMRCA’s ultimate goal to be the best rock climbing and caving school in Asia!

Wish the boys and girls luck this week, and click here to read more about CMRCA staff development and training standards.  Climb ON!