Back in Action: Guided Rock Climbing and Caving Tours Return to Chiang Mai

Looking for an unforgettable outdoor adventure this summer? Look no further than our guided rock climbing and caving experiences in Chiang Mai!

Our local crag has recently reopened after a long closure, and our team of experienced and certified guides can’t wait to show you the ropes (literally!) and take you on an incredible caving journey through the region’s stunning limestone karsts.

But first, let’s talk about why Chiang Mai is such a unique and beautiful destination for outdoor adventure. Nestled among rolling hills and rice paddies, Chiang Mai is a gateway to some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in all of Southeast Asia. From hidden waterfalls and remote hill tribe villages to lush jungles and towering mountains, this region is truly a wonderland for outdoor enthusiasts.

Now, back to our guided adventures! Our rock climbing excursions are suitable for climbers of all levels, from beginner to advanced. Our experienced guides will take you to some of the best climbing spots in the region, and provide you with all the equipment and instruction you need to ascend the crags safely and confidently. And the views from the top? Absolutely breathtaking.

But climbing isn’t the only adventure on offer. For something truly unique, why not join us for a caving expedition through the region’s majestic limestone karsts? These towering formations are home to a maze of underground rivers, caverns, and tunnels, just waiting to be explored. Our guides will equip you with all the gear and knowledge you need to safely explore this incredible underground world.

So why not make this summer the one you’ll never forget? Join us for a rock climbing or caving adventure in northern Thailand/Chiang Mai, and discover the natural beauty and adventure that this amazing region has to offer. Book now to secure your spot!

Outdoor Adventure Tours Rock Climbing Instructional Courses